What is the capital requirement of US companies in Thailand?

The capital of US companies operating in Thailand, which are protected by the Treaty of Amity between Thailand and USA, is determined by Thailand Foreign Business Law. Below is the information of the minimum capital requirement of a US company or Treaty of Amity Company, which operate either as a branch office of a company incorporated under USA laws or as a Thai limited company with American majority shareholders, incorporated under Thai laws.

Minimum Capital of Treaty of Amity Companies

  •                If the Treaty of Amity company operates businesses that are not in the schedules annexed to the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (thus it is not required to obtain a Foreign Business Certificate), the minimum capital is Baht 2 M.
  •                If the Treaty of Amity company operates businesses that are in the schedules annexed to the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (thus it is required to obtain a Foreign Business Certificate before it can operate the businesses), the minimum capital must be no less than 25% of one-year average of the three-year operating expense forecast (that was submitted when applying for the foreign business certificate) and no less than Baht 3 M per business.

Time frame

  • For the Treaty of Amity companies that started their business operation or received their Foreign Business Certificate before 30 August 2009, they must bring in the required minimum capital in foreign currency to Thailand within 29 August 2019.
  • For the Treaty of Amity companies that started their business operation or received their Foreign Business Certificate on or after 30 August 2009, they must bring in the required minimum capital in foreign currency to Thailand within 29 August 2024.

Method of Compliance

  • For the Treaty of Amity companies that operate in Thailand as a branch office of a US company, the way to comply with this regulation is to bring in the capital by sending the money in a foreign currency within the above time frame and inform the Director of Good Governance Office of the Department of Business Development within 15 days from remittance.
  • For the Treaty of Amity companies that are Thai limited companies incorporated under Thai laws, when they apply for the Foreign Business Certificate, they will get it without reference to the level of their registered capital. The way to comply with this regulation is whenever they wire an amount of money in a foreign currency, intended to be part of the minimum capital per this regulation, they need to increase their registered capital, but they do not have to inform the Director of Good Governance Office of the Department of Business Development. The remittance of the required minimum capital (and thus, increase of the registered capital) must be completed within the above time frame.

Contact ThaiLawyers for information about Treaty of Amity companies.