BOI Promotion for Biotechnology

The Board of Investment of Thailand promotes biotechnology industry. In this post, we list down the eligible manufacturing activities that are using Biotechnology: Once the investment promotion is obtained, the BOI can grant the following tax and non-tax incentives to the promoted activities:- The minimum capital required for such activities depends on the forecast for […]

BOI Promotion for Electronic Design

The Thai Board of Investment promotes electronic design activity. Under activity no. 4.1, electronic design such as microelectronics, optoelectronics or embedded system. To be eligible for this promotion, the project must meet the following conditions: Once granted with promotion, the company can get these incentives:- Thai Lawyers provide various business services that you may possibly […]

BOI Promotion for Manufacture of Biochemical

Under the activity no. 1.5.2, the BOI promotes manufacture of biochemical. The main conditions are as follow:- 1. Products must use raw materials from agricultural products, processed agricultural products, biomass or scrap or waste from agricultural processing industries at least 51% by weight. 2.  The project must not only involve mixing or dilution processes, otherwise, […]

BOI Promotion for Manufacture of Other Metal Products

Under the activity no., the Thai Board of Investment (BOI) promotes the manufacture of other metal products including other metal parts. To become eligible for this promotion, the project must have a metal forming process such as machining, stamping and bending. Once promoted, the company can be granted with basic incentives without corporate income […]

BOI Promotion for Manufacture of Electrical Appliances

The Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI) promotes the business activity of manufacturing electrical appliances. To be eligible for BOI promotion, the project must manufacture air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers, washing and drying machines only. Such products must meet Thailand’s energy efficiency standards and have the high energy efficiency label (label no. 5) from the […]

Conditions for BOI Promotion Applications Through E-investment Promotion System

The Board of Investment has announced that for BOI promotion applications made through electronic system (e-Investment Promotion), the applicant must follow the steps and consider the conditions. The applicant must fill out the investment promotion application form and attach the documents as specified by the BOI through e-Investment Promotion. After submitting an application through the […]

Business Activities That Americans Cannot Do in Thailand Without FBL

American nationals can do business in Thailand as same as Thai nationals under the Treaty of Amity between Thailand and USA. However, there are certain business activities that Americans are not entitled to do under the Treaty of Amity unless the company complies with the Foreign Business Law and obtain a Foreign Business License. Such […]

Thailand Work Permit Exemptions

In the previous article, we listed the prohibited occupations to foreigners in Thailand. Today, we talk about the certain occupations from which the foreigners may be excluded in obtaining a work permit in Thailand in accordance with the Foreigner’s Working Management Emergency Decree, B.E, 2560 (2017) and the Additional Amendment (No. 2) B.E. 2561 (2018). […]

Can a Foreigner Set Up a Salon Business and Work as a Hairdresser in Thailand?

Foreigners are not allowed to set up a salon business in Thailand without a Thai partner. They cannot work as hairdressers or provide beauty salon services. Aside from hairdresser and salon services, foreigners are not allowed to do the following occupations: Foreigners must not engage in prohibited business activities and restricted occupations to avoid violating […]

Required Supporting Documents for Trademark Registration

In the previous posts, we talked about types of trademark, trademark registration procedure and requirements for trademark registration in Thailand. Aside from such requirements, the following supporting documents are needed to be attached with the application: We at Thai Lawyers provide services relating to Intellectual Property, such as trademark registration, and service mark registration. If […]