Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Tax Privileges for Regional Operating Headquarters (ROH) in Thailand

Regional Operating Headquarters or ROH is a company registered in Thailand providing managerial, administrative and technical services as well as other supporting services to ROH’s foreign branches or its associated enterprises. Such supporting services include as follows: General administration, business planning and coordination Procurement of raw materials and components Research and development of products Technical […]

Regional Operating Headquarters (ROH) in Thailand

Regional Operating Headquarters or ROH is a juristic company incorporated in Thailand providing managerial, administrative and technical services as well as other supporting services to ROH’s foreign branches or associated enterprises. The criteria for ROH (previous scheme) in order to qualify for tax privileges are the following: Minimum paid-up capital must not be less than […]

Regional Office vs. Representative Office in Thailand

Today, we discuss the similarities and differences between a “Regional Office” and a “Representative Office” in Thailand. The levels of comparison are as follows: Governing law Both Representative Office and Regional Office are permitted to carry out business under Section 17, List 3 (21) other business services of the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542. At […]

Contracts in Thailand

A contract is deemed to be concluded and binding where the offer is accepted and the acceptance is communicated from the offeree to the offeror. It is an exchange of promises between two or more people for a particular purpose to do or not do something as a legally enforceable agreement. Agreements are made by […]