Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Tax in Thailand for SMEs

In order to help improve the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are defined as entities with no more than Baht 5 million of paid-up capital and sales revenues of no more than Baht 30 million per annum, the Thai government has approved the following tax measures: Corporate income tax exemption on income […]

Thailand BOI – extended employment of unskilled foreign workers

Thailand BOI has announced that it would allow 101 companies registered with the Ministry of Labour to continue hiring unskilled foreign workers until 31 December 2012, extended from 31 May 2012 as per an earlier announcement. In addition, incentives for machinery and technology improvement for increased production capacity will also be extended until the end of […]

Thai Taxation – zero-rated VAT on export of services

The provision of services rendered within Thailand is generally subject to 7% VAT. However, if the provision of services is considered as “exported” under Section 80/1(2) of the Revenue Code, zero-rated VAT treatment can be applied in line with the procedures and conditions as specified under the following Notifications: – Notification of the Director-General on […]

How to dissolve a company in Thailand

How to close a Thai limited company? Some company owners decide to close down their Thai registered company either for the purpose of opening a new company or permanently cease doing business in Thailand. Whatever reasons you have for closing your Thailand business, legal, accounting and auditing assistance are required to ensure that the company […]