Conditions for BOI Promotion Applications Through E-investment Promotion System

The Board of Investment has announced that for BOI promotion applications made through electronic system (e-Investment Promotion), the applicant must follow the steps and consider the conditions.

The applicant must fill out the investment promotion application form and attach the documents as specified by the BOI through e-Investment Promotion. After submitting an application through the system, the Office will verify the completeness and accuracy of the application and supporting documents before accepting the application.

The BOI has set the conditions as follow:-

  1. If the application information and supporting documents are found to be complete and accurate, the Office will proceed with the application acceptance
  2. If the application information and supporting documents are found to be incomplete or inaccurate, the Office will provide a list of additional required documents through the e-Investment Promotion System. Applications will be given 30 calendar days from the date of return to make corrections. If the corrections are not made completely and accurately within the specified timeframe, the Office will reject the application and remove it from the system.

Are you planning to register a BOI company in Thailand? Consult with Thai Lawyers to verify if your business activity can be eligible for BOI promotion. We can assist in applying for BOI promotion, registering a company and getting a Foreign Business Certificate.