Search Results for: eligible activities

Is it necessary to set up a company before applying for BOI promotion?

To get the promotion from the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOI), an applicant can be a juristic person, a natural person or foundation. The BOI does not require the applicant to establish the company at the date of application but when the BOI project is approved and before getting the certificate, the company must […]

International Business Process Outsourcing (IBPO) in Thailand

Call center business can be promoted by Thailand BOI under the category of international business process outsourcing (IBPO). However, only non-tax incentives will be granted for such projects. International Business IBPO services must be provided through the telecommunications network. Services may include the following activities: administrative support, finance and accounting, human resources, sales and marketing, customer support, […]

Thailand BOI Process

This page described the process of getting BOI promotion, which is actually pretty straight forward but maybe daunting for the people who do not do it all the time. For investors like yourselves, we recommend you seek professional assistance to guide you through the process of getting Thailand BOI so you can spend your energy to […]

Thailand BOI

Thailand BOI or Board of Investment operates under the Ministry of Industry and is the principal government agency for encouraging investment, and also acts as Thailand’s marketing arm and actively promotes the country worldwide as one of the best investment locations in Asia. The BOI offers an attractive and competitive package of tax incentives, imposes […]

Thailand Representative Office of a Myanmar Company

Myanmar nationals can set up a Representative Office of their Myanmar company in Thailand if the business that they want to do does not involve any income generating activities. A Representative Office is a kind of business set up by an overseas-based company to render marketing and other non-operational activities in Thailand. For instance, a […]

How Myanmar Nationals Can Do business in Thailand

Like other nationalities, Myanmar nationals can set up a company in Thailand without the need of a Thai partner for certain activities. Hence, you can fully own the company if you engage in the following business activities: Contact ThaiLawyers to discuss about the best option for you to do business in Thailand or get a […]

BOI Promotion for Software, Digital Platform and Digital Content

Software developing companies who want to apply for Thailand BOI promotion for software, digital platform and digital content need to rethink their strategy. On 16 September 2021, the BOI announcement No. Sor 4/2564 cancelled the investment promotion of activities 5.7 (Software), 5.8 ( E-Commerce ) and 5.9 (Digital Services). Basically, all those were cancelled in […]

Manufacturing of Ceramic Products

Manufacturing of Ceramic Products Thailand has been encouraging and promoting projects in the mining industry and manufacturing for many relevant products for economic benefits. The Board of Investment of Thailand has established a clear policy to welcome foreign investors to participate in the development of large-scale projects that involves minerals, ceramic and basic metals.   […]

BOI Promotion for Fuel from Agricultural Products

If you are interested in getting BOI promotion for manufacturing of fuel, you may be eligible if the fuel is made from agricultural products, including agricultural scrap or garbage or waste. Because of the nature of manufacturing, your business can be owned 100% by foreigners. The following activities should be the nature or components of […]

Treaty of Amity Company Registration

Treaty of Amity company registration is a great way for American citizens to operate their business in Thailand. If you have your existing company in the USA, which has majority American shareholders and directors, we can assist you in obtaining a Foreign Business Certificate (FBC), opening a bank account and registering it into the VAT […]