Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Land ownership in Thailand

According to Thai law, foreigners, (or most cases the company with 100% foreign ownership) in general are prohibited from owning freehold land in Thailand.  However, there are a few exceptions to this. Leasehold.  Foreigners may hold total leasehold interest in land and house leases.  The Thai lease law allows a 30-year maximum lease period, with […]

What happens when you liquidate a company ?

Some company owners decide to close down the business and they register for dissolution but fail to file a liquidation report or register the liquidation with the registrar. In this case, the Department of Business Development will revoke the registration of companies that register for dissolution, where in the liquidation process, the liquidators either failed […]

Thailand minimum wage hike policy

Studies show that minimum wage hike policy for 2012 has posed no effect on Thailand’s overall economy, indicated by low unemployment rate and a small number of layoff, while business owners have been able to adjust themselves well for the minimum wage hike. Therefore, it is expected that the minimum wage hike in 2013 will […]

Thailand Social Security – claims for compensation

To prevent deprivation of rights, the member of Thailand Social Security or so called insured persons should claim social security compensation within 1 year after the date entitled to compensations in any of the following cases except for the unemployment benefit: In the event of illness or accident and the insured persons received medical treatment at […]

Foreigners who are qualified to use the One-Stop Service Center

The One-Stop Service Center of Thailand provides one-stop services for temporary stay in the Kingdom to any qualified foreigner according to the Regulations of the Office of the Prime Minister Concerning the Establishment of the Visa and Work Permit Center B.E. 2540, as amended. The qualified foreigners who are eligible to submit an application and […]

Setting up a representative office in Thailand with Thai lawyers

ThaiLawyers can help you set up your business as a Representative Office of your overseas company here in Thailand. However, you have to note the activities that your representative office can do and its characteristics before you proceed with its registration. Moreover, when you have a representative office in Thailand, you will have the following responsibilities:- The […]