Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Business Activities That Foreigners May Be Permitted by the Cabinet of Thailand

Under Section 8 of the Foreign Business Act of 1999 foreigners are not allowed to operate any business concerning national safety and security, business affecting arts and culture, tradition and folk handicraft or the business affecting natural resources or environment as prescribed in the List 2 unless permitted by the Minister with the approval of […]

When Should Burmese Business in Thailand Obtain a Foreign Business License?

The business activities which foreigners may engage in are controlled by Thai laws. While some business activities cannot be allowed to foreigners completely, businessmen like Burmese may still engage in some activities with approval from the designated Thai government agency. The Foreign Business Act of 1999 has identified 3 lists of activities in which foreigners […]

Can Myanmar Nationals Work as Tour Guides in Thailand?

Myanmar nationals can engage in tourism business activities in Thailand with their Thai partners but they cannot work as tour guides. According to the notification of the Ministry of Labour, all foreigners are not allowed to work as a tour guide in Thailand which involves: – bringing in individual or group tourists to travel to […]

Thailand Representative Office of a Myanmar Company

Myanmar nationals can set up a Representative Office of their Myanmar company in Thailand if the business that they want to do does not involve any income generating activities. A Representative Office is a kind of business set up by an overseas-based company to render marketing and other non-operational activities in Thailand. For instance, a […]

What to Be Filed by a Myanmar Business Operating in Thailand?

Thai Lawyers Limited assists many foreign companies including Myanmar businesses to register a company in Thailand. Once registered, they should be aware of the filing requirements, both monthly and yearly. We summarize the filing requirements for Myanmar businesses and companies from other countries that operate in Thailand below but please note that you may be […]

How Myanmar Nationals Can Do business in Thailand

Like other nationalities, Myanmar nationals can set up a company in Thailand without the need of a Thai partner for certain activities. Hence, you can fully own the company if you engage in the following business activities: Contact ThaiLawyers to discuss about the best option for you to do business in Thailand or get a […]

Items That Are Prohibited and Restricted in Thailand

Foreigners can engage in trading activities in Thailand. However, there are certain items that are prohibited and restricted as set by The Customs Department which foreigners must comply with. Prohibited Items These are items for which are prohibited either for import into or export out of Thailand. Such prohibited items include: Narcotics Pornographic materials Counterfeit […]

Health Massage and Health Spa Businesses in Thailand

What is the different between Health Massage and Health Spa Businesses in Thailand? A health massage license holder cannot operate a health spa business. However, if a company holds a health spa business license, it will be able to operate health massage business as well. This is because a Spa Business License covers the health […]