Thailand Representative Office of a Myanmar Company

Myanmar nationals can set up a Representative Office of their Myanmar company in Thailand if the business that they want to do does not involve any income generating activities.

A Representative Office is a kind of business set up by an overseas-based company to render marketing and other non-operational activities in Thailand. For instance, a Myanmar company doing international trading can register its Representative Office in Thailand for goods sourcing purposes.

As permitted by the Thai laws, the scope of business activities that a Representative Office can conduct in Thailand are limited to:

  • To report the business movements in Thailand to the head office or affiliated company or the group company;
  • To give advice on various aspects pertaining to the goods distributed by the head office or affiliated company or the group company to the distributors or the users;
  • To seek for the supply source of goods or services in Thailand for the head office or affiliated company or the group company;
  • To inspect and control the quality and quantity of the goods that the head office or affiliated or the group company purchased or hired to manufacture in Thailand;
  • To disseminate the information in relation to the new goods or services of the head office or affiliated company or the group company

Normally, the officials can grant up to 2 work permits to foreigners working in a Representative Office but additional work permits can be requested depending on the scope of work and the reason why the Representative Office needs more work permits. The Rep Office must hire 1 Thai employee per 1 work permit application.

Interested in setting up a Representative Office in Thailand? Contact THAI LAWYERS for initial consultation. Myanmar companies who are looking to make money in Thailand may be eligible to open their business in some other forms, such as a Thai limited company. Let’s explore various solutions together.