How to fill out Thailand BOI application – part 7

This is part 7 of the post series How to fill out Thailand BOI application for software (activity 5.7) or E-commerce (Activity 5.8).  To read the beginning of this post series, go to How to fill out Thailand BOI application – part 1 of 7.

Section 8 in the application is where you will describe if your BOI project has merits on competitiveness enhancement. If so and the Board of Investment may consider giving you more Thailand BOI benefits.

  1. Merits of the Project: If your Thailand BOI project has any of the following, you should give more explanation because your project may receive more BOI benefits than the ones without.

8.1 Technological development

Does your BOI project involve research and development for a new product?

Does your BOI project involve research and development/modernization of a production process?

Does your BOI project involve the usage of new/modern technology?

Does your BOI project involve the transfer of a technology plan?

Does your BOI project involve collaboration with research/educational institutes? If so, name the institutes and the field.


8.2 Human resources development

Your BOI project have a training plan, which you filled out in Section 6.4. So you can just write “Please see the attached training plan.”

Section 10 is where you will propose 3 blocks of time for a possible presentation session with Thailand Board of Investment. Normally whatever you put is fine because the BOI official will contact you and fit the presentation in their availability without considering the times you suggested anyway.

Consult ThaiLawyers to help with Thailand BOI process. Read our clients Testimonials here.