Thailand BOI for manufacture of biological fertilizer and pesticide products

For the investors who want to manufacture biological fertilizers, organic fertilizers, nano-coated organo chemical fertilizer and bio-pesticides in Thailand, the Board of Investment (BOI) gives the incentives to such business if it can meet the following conditions:

  1. For biological fertilizers, organic fertilizers and nano-coated organo chemical fertilizer, the products must be registered and obtain license for manufacturing fertilizer for trade from the Department of Agriculture.
  2. For bio-pesticides, it must be registered and obtain license certificate for production from the Department of Agriculture.
  3. The production process must use inoculants or innovations that have supporting academic reference.

Thailand BOI Benefits granted to the promoted projects

  1. 5 year corporate income tax exemption, not more than 100% of investment (excluding cost of land and working capital) unless specified in the list of activities eligible for investment promotion that the activity shall be granted corporate income tax exemption without being subject to a corporate income tax exemption cap
  2. Exemption of import duty on machinery
  3. Exemption of import duty on raw or essential materials used in manufacturing export products for 1 year which can be extended as deemed it appropriate by the Board f Investment.
  4. Other non-tax incentives
    1. Permit for foreign nationals to enter the Kingdom for the purpose of studying investment opportunities.
    2. Permit to bring into the Kingdom skilled workers and experts to work in investment promoted activities.
    3. Permit to own land.
    4. Permit to take out or remit money abroad in foreign currency.

Contact us for questions about Thailand BOI process.