International Business Process Outsourcing (IBPO) in Thailand

Call center business can be promoted by Thailand BOI under the category of international business process outsourcing (IBPO). However, only non-tax incentives will be granted for such projects.

International Business IBPO services must be provided through the telecommunications network. Services may include the following activities:

  1. administrative support,
  2. finance and accounting,
  3. human resources,
  4. sales and marketing,
  5. customer support,
  6. international call centers,
  7. data processing, etc.

Please note that any business related to insurance activities is not promoted.

Contact to know more about company registration, visa & work permit and obtaining BOI Promotion in Thailand. If you are interested in getting BOI certificate for your business, please kindly send us your business plan and process in order to categorize your type of business in the Thailand BOI list of eligible activities.