Thailand BOI promotion for software business

This post is about Thailand BOI promotion for software business, which is classified as one of special importance and benefit to the country. Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) grants the promoted software companies a corporate income tax exemption without a cap and other incentives. Thailand BOI promotion for software business is granted to the following […]

Closing down a representative office in Thailand

Closing down a Representative Office in Thailand is much easier than opening it, which requires a lot of documents supporting the application for a Foreign Business License. Here are the documents needed when closing down a representative office to be filed at the Department of Business Development. A letter explaining the reason of closing down the […]

Thailand BOI promoted activities that get corporate income tax exemption without a cap

Some of Thailand BOI promoted activities are classified as of special importance and benefit to the country and the Board of Investment grants the promoted companies corporate income tax exemption without a cap plus other rights and benefits. Those high priority Thailand BOI promoted activities are Category 1.3 Economic forest plantations (except for eucalyptus) Category 3.9 Creative product design […]

Thailand BOI approves its Seven-Year Investment Strategy

The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) has recently approved its “Seven-Year Investment Strategy” (from 2015 to 2021), with a focus on promoting investments that create value for Thailand and those that have a positive impact on society and the environment as well as for Thai investments overseas to enhance the country’s competitiveness and overcome the […]

Visa and Work Permits for Foreign Workers of BOI promoted company

Thai BOI promoted companies have the privilege to invite foreign nationals to work in Thailand with less restriction compared to ordinary Thai companies. Provision of using the privileges under the Investment Promotion Act B.E. 2520 (A.D. 1977): Section 24, Section 25 and Section 26, such rights and benefits for supporting visa and work permits of […]

Thailand BOI Criteria for Factory Relocation

As a way to give support to the industrial decentralization, the BOI will grant promotion status to existing activities in the Center area, whether being BOI-promoted or not, if they relocate to other regions. The following criteria for factory relocation are used: The operation must relocate from Zone 1 to Zone 2, or from Zone […]

Thailand BOI – Measure to promote the investment on research and development and advanced engineering designs

As a continuation of the summary of recently announced measures by the Thailand BOI to promote improvement of production efficiency, below are the list of measures to promote the investment on research and development and advanced engineering designs for efficiency improvement:- 3.1 This measure applies to existing projects only, be it BOI or non-BOI promoted. […]