Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Eligible Applicants for Free Zone User

Free Zone is a designated area for industrial or commercial operation or any other operations involve in economic growth and development. It is considered to be outside Thailand and Thai Customs territory. Accordingly, when foreign merchandise is brought into a Free Zone, no taxes and duties is owed until the merchandise leaves the Zone and enters […]

Labour Welfare in Thailand

In Thailand, labour welfare is considered as a major concern where employers are required to provide the sufficiently comfortable, clean, and safe working conditions to all employees. To ensure that the employee is entitled to benefit from safe working conditions, the Minister of Labour issue Ministerial Regulations Concerning the Provision of Labour Welfare in Workplace […]

Copyright law in Thailand

As defined, a copyright is a form of protection for the creators of “original works of authorship” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. A copyright protects the form of expression rather than the subject matter of the work. Types of Work that can be Protected by Copyright in […]

Thailand IEAT Free Zone

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) law states that the free zone is designated for the operation of industrial activities, commercial activities or other business relating thereto, for the purpose of economics, national security, public well-being, environmental management or other necessities as prescribed by the Board of the IEAT, whereby goods taken into the […]

Health Spa Business in Thailand

In Thailand, “health spa” means an enterprise that cares for and promotes people’s health through its primary services, consisting of massage for health and hydrotherapy services, and may or may not offer additional services such as sauna treatments, exercise, nutritional therapy and diet control, yoga, meditation, use of herbs or other products for health and […]

International Business Process Outsourcing (IBPO) in Thailand

Call center business can be promoted by Thailand BOI under the category of international business process outsourcing (IBPO). However, only non-tax incentives will be granted for such projects. International Business IBPO services must be provided through the telecommunications network. Services may include the following activities: administrative support, finance and accounting, human resources, sales and marketing, customer support, […]

Foundation in Thailand

In Thailand, a foundation is consists of property specially appropriated to public charity, religion, arts, science, literature, education or other purposes for the public benefit and not for sharing profit and has been registered under the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code. The property of a foundation must be managed for implementing the objects […]

Thailand BOI – TISO – Trade and Investment Support Offices in Thailand

Thailand BOI about TISO: Foreigners who wish to register their TISO or Trade and Investment Support Offices in Thailand must comply with the conditions as follows: Conditions: 1. Projects must be approved by relevant government agencies. 2. Annual operating expenses must not be less than Baht 10 million. 3. Must have a business plan and […]