Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Foundation in Thailand

In Thailand, a foundation is consists of property specially appropriated to public charity, religion, arts, science, literature, education or other purposes for the public benefit and not for sharing profit and has been registered under the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code. The property of a foundation must be managed for implementing the objects […]

Thailand BOI – TISO – Trade and Investment Support Offices in Thailand

Thailand BOI about TISO: Foreigners who wish to register their TISO or Trade and Investment Support Offices in Thailand must comply with the conditions as follows: Conditions: 1. Projects must be approved by relevant government agencies. 2. Annual operating expenses must not be less than Baht 10 million. 3. Must have a business plan and […]

Limited Company Doing Tourism Business in Thailand

Tourism industry in Thailand is the industry which provides or gives services in return for remuneration in connection with tourism activities within and outside the Kingdom as follows: – Tour business – Tourist hotels business – Business relating to restaurants, service places and resorts for tourists – Business relating to the sale of souvenirs or […]

Measures to prevent the use of Thai nominees by foreigners to own land in Thailand

In general, foreigners are not permitted to acquire land in Thailand unless they comply with the rules and conditions of exception specified in The Land Code of Thailand. Only Thai individuals and juristic persons are allowed to purchase and own land in the country. The same restriction applies to foreign companies in Thailand. A company […]

Registration of Machinery in Factories

Under the Factory Act B.E. 2535, “Factory” means a building place, or vehicle which uses a machine from 5 horse powers or an equivalent thereof or more or which employs 7 workers or more with or without any machine for manufacturing, producing, assembling, filling, repairing, maintaining, testing, improving, altering, transporting, keeping, or destroying anything in […]

Retirement Age of Employees

Even though Thailand’s labour law does not set the retirement age of employees, the interpretation of the Thai Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998) includes the fact that the retirement of employees is a termination of contract of employment. In case, an employer has included a retirement age in the work regulation, the employer shall […]