Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

How to Set Up a Recruitment Company in Thailand

How to set up a recruitment company in Thailand Documents and conditions: A. The licensee must be one of authorized directors of the company. He must be a Thai national and currently is not a director of another recruitment company. Documents we need from him: 1. Copy of Thai ID card 2. Copy of house […]

BOI Promotion for Different Software Activities

If your business will develop games, software and application which you sell to your customers and they use it themselves or within their organization, you are looking at Activity 5.7.2 Enterprise software and/or digital content. This category gives you 5 year corporate income tax exemption, without a cap. That means any amount of profits from […]

Can foreigners own a Bakery business in Thailand?

One way for foreigners to own a business in Thailand 100% is to get an investment promotion by the Board of Investment (BOI Thailand). However you cannot apply for Thailand BOI promotion for a bakery business because it is not one of business activities that we need to promote for foreign investment or expertise at […]

BOI Promotion for Fuel from Agricultural Products

If you are interested in getting BOI promotion for manufacturing of fuel, you may be eligible if the fuel is made from agricultural products, including agricultural scrap or garbage or waste. Because of the nature of manufacturing, your business can be owned 100% by foreigners. The following activities should be the nature or components of […]

Selling Traditional Medicines Products Licensed Abroad in Thailand

A foreigner can bring and sell traditional medicines in Thailand which are branded and licensed overseas provided that he complies with the requirements of Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Such requirements are listed below and is subject to the final decision of the concerned authorities: The products that the foreigner wants to import must […]

How to register E-commerce in Thailand

If you have an online business such as service, trading on the internet, creating website for trading, internet service provider, web hosting and hub of online marketing, you need to register your business into the E-commerce system. It does not matter if you are a company, partnership or individual. To register, the following documents are […]

Factory locations in Thailand

There are 3 types of place in Thailand where a factory can be located; industrial estates, industrial parks and other areas (elsewhere outside the first two types). The difference among the three types is as follows. Industrial estates An industrial estate is an area of land specified for industrial purpose providing infrastructure like electricity, water […]