Category Archives: Foreign Business in Thailand

Thailawyers Working With Indian Businesses to Set up Companies in Thailand

We are proud to be the Thai Lawyers working with Indian Businesses to set up companies in Thailand. We help the foreigners own the companies 100% without having Thai shareholders in many industries. We have 100% foreign ownership solutions for international companies wanting to operate in our country. If you are thinking about expanding into […]

APEC Business Travel Card

APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) is a fast and efficient travel option for business people who are citizens of APEC participating economies within the APEC region which supports APEC’s goal of free and open trade and investment under the conference of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC project. The ABTC holders do not need to apply […]

Thai Lawyers Set Up a BOI Company for a Manufacturing Business from India

Thank you Mr. Milind Deshmukh from SICGIL for having Thai Lawyers set up a BOI company for a manufacturing business from India. Here is his appreciation of our professional services: “We are a global company with headquarters in India. We worked with Thai Lawyers Ltd. of MSNA Group to set up our BOI company. We […]

Foreign Companies Sell Goods in Thailand

Can foreign companies sell goods in Thailand? If you buy products from suppliers inside the country and have them delivered to Thai buyers (either by agents, employees or the suppliers), it means you do business in Thailand. According to Foreign Business Law, before foreign companies sell goods in Thailand, they need to obtain a Foreign […]

BOI Motion Picture Support Services in Thailand

MOTION PICTURE SUPPORT SERVICES For foreigners who want to own a company in Thailand that provides motion picture support services, the way to do it is to get a BOI promotion. We would like to give you some useful information that you should know about this interesting activity before registering a company. Benefits: 5 year […]

Foreigners and Manufacturing Business in Thailand

Foreigners and manufacturing business in Thailand Once you decided to manufacture goods in Thailand, two options are available for you: either rent a ready-made factory or buy (or lease) land and build your own factory.   Foreign Ownership of Land While in general, foreign companies or individuals cannot buy and own land in Thailand, there […]

Manufacturing of Ceramic Products

Manufacturing of Ceramic Products Thailand has been encouraging and promoting projects in the mining industry and manufacturing for many relevant products for economic benefits. The Board of Investment of Thailand has established a clear policy to welcome foreign investors to participate in the development of large-scale projects that involves minerals, ceramic and basic metals.   […]

Importing Wine from France

Importing Wine from France To meet the requirements of importation of wine into Thailand, there are certain rules one needs to follow. Firstly, to register a business there needs to be 3 promoters. For the company to open up a warehouse in Thailand, they need to have a household registration number from the landlord where […]