Category Archives: Foreign Business in Thailand

International Headquarters (IHQ)

International Headquarters or IHQ is described as a company incorporated under Thai laws that provides any of the following activities to its branches or “associated enterprises”, whether located in Thailand or abroad: Managerial services or technical services Supporting services engaged in:General management, business planning and business coordination 2.1 General management, business planning and business coordination […]

Thailand BOI promotion for software business

This post is about Thailand BOI promotion for software business, which is classified as one of special importance and benefit to the country. Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) grants the promoted software companies a corporate income tax exemption without a cap and other incentives. Thailand BOI promotion for software business is granted to the following […]

Closing down a representative office in Thailand

Closing down a Representative Office in Thailand is much easier than opening it, which requires a lot of documents supporting the application for a Foreign Business License. Here are the documents needed when closing down a representative office to be filed at the Department of Business Development. A letter explaining the reason of closing down the […]

Thailand BOI promoted activities that get corporate income tax exemption without a cap

Some of Thailand BOI promoted activities are classified as of special importance and benefit to the country and the Board of Investment grants the promoted companies corporate income tax exemption without a cap plus other rights and benefits. Those high priority Thailand BOI promoted activities are Category 1.3 Economic forest plantations (except for eucalyptus) Category 3.9 Creative product design […]