Thailand BOI current investment promotion policy

At present, the Thailand BOI is still promoting investment with the current investment promotion policy. Thailand BOI expects that the new investment strategy will be effective from the beginning of 2015. Thus, investors submitting the investment promotion application within 2014 will receive incentives according to the existing policy.

Currently, the existing Thailand BOI promotion incentives are as follows:

Tax incentives:-

–          Exemption/reduction of import duties on machinery

–          Reduction of import duties for raw or essential materials

–          Exemption of corporate income tax and dividends

–          A 50% reduction of the corporate income tax

–          Double deductions from the costs of transportation, electricity and water supply

–          Additional 25% deduction of the cost of installation or construction of facilities

–          Exemption of import duty on raw or essential materials for use in production for export

Non-tax incentives:-

–          Permission for foreign nationals to enter to Thailand for the purpose of studying investment opportunities

–          Permission to bring into Thailand skilled workers and experts to work in investment promoted activities

–          Permission to own land to be used for promoted activity

–          Permission to take out or remit money abroad in foreign currency

Contact ThaiLawyers for Thailand BOI promotion, company registration and visa and work permit application.