BOI promotion for Food Supplement Manufacturers

Nowadays more and more people are becoming very conscious about their health and seeking food supplement apart from the nutrition given by typical food. This trend is reflected in an increase in the demand for different food supplements. Food supplement industry in Thailand has been growing rapidly. Moreover, the Board of Investment (BOI) promotes the […]

Thailand BOI promotion for E-Commerce

This post is about Thailand BOI promotion for E-Commerce business which is in the list of activities eligible for investment promotion. However, a corporate tax exemption incentive will not be given to this kind of business, but the Board of Investment (BOI) grants an exemption of import duty on raw materials and other non-tax incentives […]

Thailand BOI for manufacture of biological fertilizer and pesticide products

For the investors who want to manufacture biological fertilizers, organic fertilizers, nano-coated organo chemical fertilizer and bio-pesticides in Thailand, the Board of Investment (BOI) gives the incentives to such business if it can meet the following conditions: For biological fertilizers, organic fertilizers and nano-coated organo chemical fertilizer, the products must be registered and obtain license […]

Thailand BOI promotion for manufacture of vehicle parts

This post is about Thailand BOI privileges granted to vehicle parts manufacturing activity. There are 5 types of vehicle parts manufacturing which the BOI gives the promoted companies a corporate income tax exemption and non-tax incentives differently. The following activities are eligible for Thailand BOI promotion for manufacture of vehicle parts: Manufacture of vehicle parts using […]

Termination of employment contract

Section 118 of Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 states that the employer must pay severance pay to the employee who is terminated. Termination of employment is defined as follows. 1.        Any act which an employer refuses to allow an employee to work without paying wages on expiry of contract of employment or any other causes […]

How to register E-commerce in Thailand

If you have an online business such as service, trading on the internet, creating website for trading, internet service provider, web hosting and hub of online marketing, you need to register your business into the E-commerce system. It does not matter if you are a company, partnership or individual. To register, the following documents are […]