Category Archives: Doing Business in Thailand

Thai nominee shareholders are illegal

We have always told foreigners that Thai nominee shareholders are illegal. Our clients know that we do not recommend that way of company setup. Many law firms want to make money quickly and don’t tell their foreign clients that they are breaking the law. “The Nation” reported today: Probe finds 5 suspected local-nominee business services […]

Investment certificate in Thailand

Often times we get an inquiry like the below asking about investment certificate in Thailand. We think many people believe it and lose a lot of money trying to get it for some fake investors allegedly from Thailand. Here is an example of the inquiry we got: We are a start-up company looking for investment […]

Work permit to work with a BOI company

For foreign investors, the most important step is to get the permission to operate their business under Thai laws whether through the channels of Foreign Business License or BOI promotion. Once the permission is granted, then it comes to the second step of the same importance – to get work permits for their foreign skilled […]

Setting up an international school in Thailand

An international school needs to have a school license. Any individual wanting to set up an international school (or any kind of school) in Thailand must go through the formality prescribed by the “Private School Act B.E. 2550”. Foreigners may find it not easy to open one. Find out why: The Licensee Natural person • […]