Setting up an international school in Thailand

An international school needs to have a school license. Any individual wanting to set up an international school (or any kind of school) in Thailand must go through the formality prescribed by the “Private School Act B.E. 2550”. Foreigners may find it not easy to open one. Find out why: The Licensee Natural person • […]

Using arbitration institutes to resolve disputes from an NDA in Thailand

When you consider signing an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), we recommend putting in a clause about how to resolve disputes. The disputes should be submitted to an institutional arbitration. We recommend an arbitration to deal with the disputes because in a case trial under the Thai laws, the party who seeks compensation will have to prove […]

Export of agricultural products from Thailand

We had a foreigner’s inquiry about setting up business of trading agricultural products in Thailand. Our experienced Thai lawyers provide initial consultation for free and here is our answer to his question regarding the steps. If the foreigners just intend to set up a business of importing agricultural products to sell in Thailand, he will […]

BOI Motion Picture Support Services in Thailand

MOTION PICTURE SUPPORT SERVICES For foreigners who want to own a company in Thailand that provides motion picture support services, the way to do it is to get a BOI promotion. We would like to give you some useful information that you should know about this interesting activity before registering a company. Benefits: 5 year […]

Open Restaurant in Thailand

Open Restaurant in Thailand Opening a restaurant in Thailand seems to be tough because there are a huge number of restaurants all over Thailand and it is really hard to compete against the Thai people since Thailand has a foreign business law that prohibits foreigners from doing most businesses. However, it does not mean that […]